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Wellness Services

We know prevention is a very powerful thing. At Central Animal Hospital, we believe focusing on prevention is the most effective approach to pet wellness.

Puppy and Kitten Package

Babies of all species are a lot of work and often require frequent trips to the doctor. Puppies and kittens are no exception, and our puppy/kitten package allows unlimited exams up until 4 months of age or time of rabies vaccination, even for the little bugs they pick up along the way. The package includes all the necessary vaccinations and other treatments (dewormings and fecal testing) that our young animals need to be set for a long and healthy life. This is our most economical option given the amount of savings overall, in addition to a 40% discount off the spay/neuter package. 

Spay and Neuter Package

The general recommendation by the veterinary community is to spay and neuter your pets. The ideal time to pursue this procedure is as a young animal (6-12 months of age) but it is never too late! Spaying our females and neutering our males not only helps control the homeless pet population issues we’re faced with, but is a good healthy decision for our family members to help reduce the risk of mammary cancer, prostate issues and uterine infections that can all be life threatening! 

Wellness Exam

It can be a real pain to load our dogs and cats into the car for a trip to the vet. They’re stressed, you’re stressed and often there’s a mess in the car at the end of the ordeal. All that aside, it is extremely important to have at least yearly (and for our geriatric animals over 8 years old, twice a year) exams by their regular veterinarian. In order to be proactive in their health, it’s vital for your pets to have their teeth, weight and all other systems checked on a regular basis. We try our best to make the process as easy as possible and love visiting with our patients any chance we get!


Dogs and cats are known for doing strange and often unpredictable things. Sometimes these are benign and amusing but at times they can be problematic and dangerous. Many times, our pets use abnormal behaviors as a way to tell us that there is something going on with their health and by making a veterinary visit your first step, we can help identify and treat those issues as they arise. We are your first stop for behavior consultation and if we can’t offer the support you need we will certainly help direct you to someone who can.


Vaccination is a much debated topic and constantly evolving system. We follow the most up-to-date guidelines as issued by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). We currently vaccinate our dogs (after the initial puppy series) every three years for rabies and the distemper combination vaccination. Kennel cough, in order to be most effective, should be boostered every six months for dogs at high risk for exposure. Our feline patients are vaccinated yearly for rabies using a safer, adjuvant free vaccination and every three years for their distemper combination vaccination and yearly Feline Leukemia for at risk (outdoor) populations.

Dental Hygiene

Dental care is just as important in pets as in humans, but often overlooked. Routine daily care (brushing, water additives, special foods) is essential in keeping dental disease at bay. However, despite our best efforts (and at times, due to uncooperative pets, lack of efforts) they still require periodic deep cleanings and dental x-rays, just like you and me. In order to get the most thorough cleaning and best results, we recommend cleaning under general anesthesia. This is often a source of great anxiety for owners and rest assured, we do everything possible before, during and after anesthesia to mitigate the risks and make it as safe as possible for our beloved patients. We also feel strongly that the benefits of a dental outweigh the risks ofanesthesia, especially given the possibility of other complications of dental disease such as heart and kidney damage.